Sunday, January 23, 2005

Jeff Risley's to do list for starting a blog

Nice list...especially if you're into business or tech blogging. Some highlights:

  • Read the Cluetrain Manifesto.
  • Read Debbie Weil’s Beginner’s Guide to Business Blogging.
  • Subscribe to Bloglines
  • Post a comment on at least one blog each week.
  • Determine if you have the time to maintain a blog.
  • Decide what you want the focus of your blog to be.
And so on...

Amy's list of good travel blogs

From Amy Langfield, NY Notebook, NewYorkology and a writer. Amy sez:
Hotel Chatter – newish kind of site about hotels all over the world. A fun read even if you never intend to go.
Fodor’s travel blog - of course I like this one; they’ve got me on their short-list of New York links. They’re all over the map, and update intermittently.
WandaLust – travel blog out of England covering a bit of everything.
Gadling – adventure travel blog, international, updated all the freakin’ time.
Jet Set Lara – woman who says she’s a high-class call girl, profiles her locations and expensive boy toys (car, yachts, etc.)
Online Travel Review – quickie daily updates on the airline industry with a business bent
NYC a Paris – My friend Jason Stone, who moved to Paris from New York last year, is keeping a great blog about his travels in Paris and through France. Not specifically a travel blog, but he does a lot of stuff on trying to learn the language and how to get around when not knowing your way around. Turns out he’s a pretty great writer.
Delicious travel tags – Not a blog, but rather a link to travel stories and sites flagged by people who use the social bookmarking software.
Jen Leo’s Written Road Blog - a travel writer and editor talks about the business of travel writing, but with some good links to travel writing.
Bangalore Torpedo – This is another friend of mine, Jonathan Oatis, whose company has sent him off to live in Bangalore for a year or so. He only just arrived, but he’s already got his first impressions posted, including about the cows in front of his condo and how to give directions to your auto-rickshaw driver when you don’t quite know where you’re going.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

How to build a better blog

Brian Bailey's tips:

  1. Use categories.
  2. Use titles.
  3. Publish during high traffic times.
  4. Syndicate your entire post.
  5. Click your own links.
  6. Develop an authentic voice.
  7. Tell us who you are and how to contact you.
  8. Don't be afraid to promote.
  9. Comment on other sites and your own.
  10. The more you write, the more you'll have to write about.
  11. Content brings Google.
(Via Desparoz, who has more comments)

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

MediaDrop: List of newspapers with RSS

This is not really a BlogCoach item, I know, BUT, it's a great list(160 sites) and I need to put it somewhere easy to find.
And if you are blogging and you don't know what RSS is, plan to remedy that--and soon.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Where to buy images

List of Stock Photography Agencies from The Design Weblog

(Via Travis Smith)